VISITORS could one day be taking the monorail to some of the North-East's newest arts facilities.

A study is being carried out into creating a cable car-style public transport system on the banks of the River Tyne.

The project would link Gateshead town centre with Gateshead Quays developments such as the Sage music complex, Baltic art gallery and the Millennium Bridge.

Gateshead Council, in partnership with public transport operator Nexus, has applied for Single Programme funding to pay for a feasibility study.

A Nexus spokesman said: "It is an effective way of moving people downhill and has been part of our vision for Gateshead for some years.

"There is a comprehensive feasibility study being undertaken at the moment. That doesn't mean it is going to happen and there are lots of boxes still to be ticked. But it is something we would love to see."

The idea of a monorail was mooted by Nexus in the mid-1990s.

But this is the first time a study into its potential has been carried out.

The proposals are in an early stage of development, but initial plans favour an under-hanging monorail, similar in style to the Cairngorm Railway, in Scotland.

The scheme is driven partly by the council as part of its social inclusion agenda, to ensure that people from Gateshead can easily access the arts facilities.

But the authority is also aware that it could provide a huge boost for the much-needed regeneration of the town centre by getting visitors from the Newcastle side of the river to take the journey up the hill.