GENEROUS North-Easterners are being warned that bogus collectors are trying to cash in on the suffering of those caught up in the tsunami disaster.

The Charity Commission is working with South Tyneside Council to warn people against being duped by misleading appeals for donations.

The council warned yesterday that many collections were not registered charities and that there was no guarantee donations would reach victims of the earthquake.

The Charity Commission's Chief Executive, Andrew Hind said: "It's incomprehensible that some people want to take from survivors of a disaster left with absolutely nothing.

"I would urge the generous public to take donations of clothes to a genuine charity shop and to make their cash donations to an established appeal fund, such as the Disasters Emergency Committee."

His words were echoed by Councillor Michael Clare, who said: "It is absolutely despicable that there are some people who would seek to steal money intended to help the victims of the tsunami.

"The council is encouraging both staff and public to support the legitimate appeals and I would advise everyone to be vigilant when making donations."