RECYCLING rubbish can can help victims of the Asian tsunami.

Derwentside District Council has pledged to donate the value of all materials recycled this month to the Asian Disaster Relief Fund.

Anyone who takes reusable waste to recycling sites in the district or uses the green box recycling collection scheme will be helping those people most affected by the disaster.

Council leader Alex Watson said: "By recycling our waste we will raise money for the appeal and also help to save our own environment. It will also mean that everyone in Derwentside will be making a contribution to the appeal.

"I ask all residents to think about their waste, and if it can be recycled it has value and should not go into the wheelie bin."

Recycling sites are listed on the card delivered to all homes setting out the Christmas and New Year collection dates and on the council's website or call John Shepherd on (01207) 218728.