A SPECIAL Richmond Challenge rugby match was held recently in memory of former England Schoolboys player Dave Mitchell, who started his career with Richmond.

Mitchell, who also played for West Hartlepool and Mowden Park, tragically died recently at the age of 33 after suffering from leukaemia and another form of cancer.

A total of 42 players from the Richmond Old School Boys XV and Richmondshire first team squad joined organisers Mike Charlton, head coach, and Kieran Pavey, Richmondshire first team captain, in a match at Theakston Lane.

After a minute's silence, the game was played in great spirit from the kick-off, with both sides determined to play open, running rugby despite the cold weather and wet pitch.

The home side opened the scoring with a fine try under the posts by winger Chris Dixon after strong play by the forwards.

Minutes later, Richmondshire scored again following a well-rehearsed backs move, with centre Andy Thorne crossing the line. Brad Sutherland missed both conversion attempts.

Before half-time, the Old Boys forwards started to dominate and a driving maul saw Dan Miller crash over the line. Minutes later, Rory Thompson was driven over by a determined pack and the try was converted by captain Chris True.

In the second half the home side made several changes, including the introduction of Mark Bisicker to strengthen the pack, and later veteran Steve Bake came on at scrum half, resulting in more flowing 15-man rugby.

A try by number eight Steve Goodchild left the final score 15-12 in favour of Richmondshire.

The Richmondshire Challenge Trophy was donated by former head of school Jim Jack and presented to the winning team by former head of PE at Richmond School and England Schools selector Dave Sanderson.

Mike Charlton, who is also Richmondshire team sponsor through Charlton's Estate Agents, said: "It was devastating news to hear about Dave Mitchell and it felt only right that, as a key North-East rugby team, we should hold a match in his memory.

"We will be holding a commemorative match on the first Sunday morning of each new year at Richmondshire Rugby Football Club in memory of Dave Mitchell."