A THIEF got more than he bargained for when he unwittingly targeted a group of North-East police chiefs who were taking a break from a Home Office conference in London.

Northumbria Police Deputy Chief Constable Michael Craik and assistant chief constables David Warcup and Sue Sim were having an evening drink in the bar of the city's Russell Hotel when a thief made off with Mrs Sim's bag.

The three gave chase, stopped the man 75 yards from the hotel and recovered Mrs Sim's bag.

Mr Craik, who came to Northumbria Police in July 2000, after 23 years with the Metropolitan Police, said: "We spent the rest of the evening at Holborn Police station, but got applause when we all came back to the bar.

"We were suspicious of this individual as soon as he came in and sat down behind us.

"He put his coat over a chair, but left after only a few minutes, and we commented about why he had been there.

"Straight away, Sue checked for her bag on the floor beside her chair, and it had gone, so we all took off after him.

"He obviously was not much of a runner if we were able to catch him."

Mr Warcup was credited with the arrest.

Metropolitan Police officers are investigating the incident.