YOUNGSTERS blamed for acts of vandalism in a North Yorkshire town will be rolling out the barrels around the market place to raise money for elderly people hit by anti-social behaviour.

Those taking part in sponsored barrel pushes in Masham want the cash they raise to buy a gift for residents at the town's Maple Creek elderly people's complex, who were hit when their electricity was deliberately shut off.

Spearheading the sponsored barrel push is police community officer Gareth Jones, who persuaded the youths to call a halt to their anti-social behaviour after residents packed the town hall at a protest meeting sparked over a rising tide of bad behaviour.

PC Jones said the idea was to say sorry, particularly to the elderly residents who had suffered at their hands.

Cash from the exercise could buy a bench for their use, although it is just one of the ideas being suggested.

Although the switch-off caused major problems for the residents, others living in Masham were also angered that pensioners had been targeted.

PC Jones said there had been one or two blips, but the number of incidents had dropped dramatically.

Two teams will be involved in the barrel push - the 36 gallon barrels will be filled with tap water - around the Market Place on Saturday, March 17.

The community police officer said Simon Theakston and Paul Theakston from Masham's two famous breweries had given their support for what has been dubbed a "let's say sorry" exercise.

Masham Parish Council decided to monitor the situation after youths gave a pledge to the officer that they would halt their bad behaviour.