POLICE officers have been issued with information cards to support people threatening suicide.

Teesside has one of the highest suicide rates in Britain.

It is 18 per 100,000 people compared to 15.2 per 100,000 in England and Wales.

Cleveland Police have been issued with information cards, which carry contact details of more than 16 support agencies.

The cards are being issued to street wardens and police custody staff, who can give them to people needing support.

PC Martin Cowen, suicide prevention liaison officer with Middlesbrough Police, said: "As signatories to the suicide prevention charter, Middlesbrough Police are pleased to work in close partnership with all agencies involved and welcome this new initiative.

"Officers at present have limited information to give people who are seeking advice and support and these cards will make a big difference to helping people."

The help cards are part of a pilot scheme, currently limited to Middlesbrough, although additional funding is being sought to extend the scheme across Teesside.

The pilot card scheme is being funded by Middlesbrough Primary Care Trust.

The Government has set a target for a 20 per cent reduction in suicides, across the nation, by 2010.