CHILDREN and staff at a Darlington school have turned themselves blue to help victims of the Asian tsunami disaster.

The pupils at Firthmoor Primary School were asked what they thought they could do to help raise some money.

Some suggested a non-uniform day so the school decided to make it a blue-themed day.

Teachers and students went to school dressed in blue, some with their faces painted and others with their hair dyed and sprayed.

Pupils enjoyed a range of creative activities with a blue theme, including producing artwork, listening to music, reading poems and learning about the weather.

The blue mania even extended into maths and design and technology lessons.

The children all donated £1 to the appeal, which raised over £200. There will be a raffle on Friday and the proceeds will also be donated to the tsunami appeal.

Teacher Elizabeth Robson, said: "The blue theme was a focus for raising money.

"It gave them a day when they could reflect on the problems.

"And it was important that they learned there was something they could do to help in their own way."

Yesterday, parents were invited into school to admire some of the work the children had produced.