THE family of a policeman who died suddenly, aged 42, have paid tribute to the gentle giant they nicknamed Superman.

Father-of-two PC Jeff Vowles, a police officer of 19 years, worked as a school liaison officer for Cleveland Police, based in Stockton, and lived in Darlington.

He was a fitness fanatic, who cycled and ran marathons to raise money for children's charities - and was nicknamed Superman by his 13-year-old daughter, Jenna.

PC Vowles collapsed as he left Bannatyne Fitness, in Darlington, on Saturday evening. He died instantly from a massive heart attack.

Yesterday, his mother and sister said he loved children and had devoted his life to his job. Through the police, he had recently gained a teaching degree, so he could become a teacher when he retired from the police.

His mother, Kathleen Vowles, 69, said: "He loved his job, it was his life; he often said he would do it for nothing and he was well-known by schoolchildren.

"I never thought this would happen, he was so fit."

PC Vowles leaves a wife, Barbara, and two children Jenna and Nicola, who is 17.

Nicola is spending a year in the US, but was due to return home this month to celebrate her 18th birthday with her family.

PC Vowles' older sister, Beverley Brischuk, 45, lives in Darlington with her son, Mark, 19, and Helen, 17.

Yesterday, Mrs Brischuk said: "He wasn't just my brother, he was my best friend.

"All his life he loved children. He was brilliant with his daughters and Helen, and would take the three of them to concerts, where he would try to get them backstage."

She added: "He loved old movies and comedies, and had a great sense of humour and a very infectious laugh."

PC Vowles was born in Nairobi, Kenya, but moved to the North-East when he was two.

Mrs Vowles said: "He always wanted a uniformed job and he went through night school to get the grades he needed to join the police."

He started with the Metropolitan Police and joined Cleveland Police 14 years ago.

Chief Superintendent Dave Pickard said: "This is a tragic loss. He was a good and valued officer and will be deeply missed by all, especially those in the education department."

The family have asked for donations to children's charity Dreams Come True, in lieu of flowers. Contact the charity on (01730) 815000.