A MAJOR review of services for disabled people is under way in North Yorkshire.

A team of councillors, officers and voluntary workers are looking at ways the county council can improve how it supports people with both physical and sensory disabilities.

The review is due to come to an end in December, when the team will submit a final draft of the improvement plan for approval.

Some research has already taken place. Members of the review team met a group of seven people with physical or sensory disabilities. They said they had problems gaining access to many buildings and leisure facilities and had difficulty with old paving and cobbled streets.

In future the group said they would like to see more information about what services are available and greater communication.

Many of their views have already been taken on board and are part of a list of action areas. These include raising the profile of people with disabilities, training council workers in disability and sensory awareness so they can help disabled people to maximise their independence and making sure that accessible transport is available.

Other areas include improving access to buildings and pedestrian areas, exploring the issue of a countywide sensory loss team and making sure that services are publicised in appropriate locations.

A council spokesman said: "It is the aim of this review to produce a practical set of recommendations that will deliver a change in the way the county council delivers services to people with physical disabilities and people with sensory disabilities.

"The aims are to ensure that high quality support services are delivered cost effectively and consistently throughout the county and equally important is to ensure that people with physical disabilities have access to a full range of services and opportunities, which promote a high quality of life.

The next stage of the review will be discussed by the care and independence overview and scrutiny committee on Thursday at County Hall, Northallerton.