CHEFS from across the region poured, blew and piped sugar into a variety of amazing creations at a masterclass hosted by a North-East college.

Sponsored by baking and confectionery products supplier, Bako Northern, the sugar session at Darlington College featured the skills of internationally-renowned confectioners Ildo and Maureen Nicolello.

Ten chefs from all over the north of England spent two days sharing and honing their confectionery skills in the kitchens of the college.

The result was an array of sugar sculptures including a lamp, baskets of fruit and animals.

Peter Bell, head of college hospitality and catering, said: "Darlington College leads the North Yorkshire Hospitality CoVE (Centre of Vocational Excellence) along with York College, Yorkshire Coast College, Scarborough, and the Training Provider HCTC.

"So we enjoy hosting a variety of masterclasses throughout the year to improve standards within the industry. It's about sharing best practice and developing skills."

Newcastle College chef and lecturer Pauline Gilroy-Rossi, a former Darlington College student, said: "The masterclass has been fantastic. Even after working in the industry for so many years, there is always something new you can learn."