A NORTH-EAST charity has been given £20,000 to help cancer sufferers.

Coping with Cancer North-East received the GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Impact Award in conjunction with the King's Fund, an independent health charity.

The money has been given in recognition of its service, which offers emotional and practical support for people with cancer.

Chief executive Judith Woodruff said: "It is a real testament to everyone who works so hard to make the service a success.

"We are run entirely by volunteers, most of who have been touched by cancer themselves and are able to provide first-hand knowledge and share personal coping strategies.

"This award will enable us to take our services directly to the high street through the opening of our first retail shop and therapy room."

It provides services such as telephone counselling, support groups, home support and advice sessions at hospitals and health clinics.

It also offers counselling, complementary therapies at hospitals and bereavement support.