SIXTY-NINE years after they tied the knot, Walter and Reene Marchant are still happily together.

The couple, who are both 95, are celebrating their wedding anniversary today.

The pair will be joined by their two sons, two daughters, six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

The family party may mean that Mr Marchant, who worked as a fireman and then ambulanceman until he retired, will have to take a day off from his favourite pastime of billiards.

Despite his grand age, Mr Marchant is still a regular at his local billiards club in the Elm Tree area of Stockton. During a successful amateur career he notched up more than 30 trophies.

The couple met when they were both 20 and got married six years later at St James's Church in Portrack, Stockton.

The couple have bought The Northern Echo all their lives.

Their daughter Anne Henderson said: "It's going to be a bit of surprise for them. But with all the family round it should be a lovely day."