A TEAM of hardy volunteers put themselves through a day of gruelling Army exercises to help an autistic boy enjoy a better life.

Almost 60 people signed up to take part in Endurance 2005, the third such event organised to help eight-year-old Jake Burgess, of Catterick, North Yorkshire.

Separated into three teams, they fired lasers on the small arms training area, took part in a "fighting in a built-up area" exercise, prepared and ate army rations and helped a woodland ambush.

The day-long event, at Catterick Garrison's Infantry Training Centre, exceeded all expectations, raising £3,400.

The money will be used to take Jake back to the US, where he has already received treatment that has led to major improvements in his condition.

His mother, Claire, said the treatment had changed the course of the family's life, and further treatment would prevent Jake regressing.

"This fundraising day has been absolutely brilliant and I can't thank the people who took part enough," she said.