AN inscribed clock is causing a lot of interest in a village because it involves a Bachelors Club that flourished there a century ago.

The German-made timepiece was bought at an auction by Barbara Callaghan and has been put in the window of her curio shop, I Like That, in Middleton-in-Teesdale, near Barnard Castle, County Durham.

A brass plate on the clock says it was presented to George Wilfred Addison by members of the Bachelors Club when he was married in September 1911.

Mrs Callaghan has made inquiries and found that Mr Addison, who was known as Witty, had a confectionery and tobacco shop in the village market place.

The inscription says that, at the time of the presentation, the club president was Jonathan Tallentire. He was a yeast merchant, who was known as a prankster who played in a local "daft band", the Bleatherheads.

Mrs Callaghan has put a notice in her window asking for details and photographs of the Bachelor Club, which is known to have held meetings in the village's Temperance Hotel, which is now the Belvedere guest house.

Mrs Callaghan's husband, Peter, said: "The clock has caused a great deal of interest in the window. We are hoping to find out more about the Bachelors Club and about any of the wedding gifts given to other members."

Anyone with details can call at the shop, or ring (01833) 640274.

The club is thought to have run from before 1900 until about 1920. The members, who had regular outings around the region, always received a present, such as a clock or tea set, when they got married.

The Northern Echo published a story and photograph in February last year of Madge Baum with a teaset presented by the club to her great uncle, Ernest Lowe, 100 years earlier.