A CHARITY is hoping to raise the profile of its work by distributing thousands of bookmarks.

The York branch of the British Red Cross has printed 15,000 bookmarks for distribution to shops, clubs and libraries across York and North Yorkshire.

The effort is part of Red Cross Week, which started yesterday and continues until Sunday.

It is the charity's major fundraising drive of the year and members will be out across the county carrying out street collections and helping to raise awareness of the work of the British Red Cross.

Lisa Bass, senior services manager in York, said: "Last year, across Yorkshire, we provided a medical equipment loan service to 3,227 people, gave 5,678 therapeutic care treatments, did 6,146 transport and escort duties and covered 275 events as first aiders.

"We assisted 89 people to send messages to family members abroad, helped 3,348 people settle back home when they came out of hospital and trained 230 volunteers and staff to support the local councils in an emergency."