THE ENVIRONMENT Agency have moved to minimise noise and vibration from a local engineering firm.

Residents had complained about noise from Weardale Castings and Engineering Ltd in Wolsingham, and the Agency took over regulation of the site in April 2004.

They have now issued a variation to the company's permit to operate, meaning it can only use the two pieces of equipment which are causing the problem between 8am and 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.

The company will not be allowed to use the equipment at all on weekends or public holidays.

"We have tried a number of routes to get the company to sort out this problem, but have so far failed with these approaches," said the Agency's inspector for the site, Stuart Page.

"In the absence of any firm commitment by the company to improving the situation, we are forcing them to restrict the use of the troublesome machinery.

"We will also be bringing in - at the company's expense - a specialist in noise and vibration who can make specific recommendations about the best way to solve this problem permanently."

Weardale Castings and Engineering Ltd were last night unavailable for comment.