images that have lay undisturbed for years in the clock tower of a sixth form college reveal an interesting story about a North-East town's history.

The stills have been taken from an old 16mm film spool, which was discovered in pristine condition at Darlington's Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College.

The college's library assistant, Linda Chadd, and caretaker, Peter Hakin, were sorting through the archives when they made the remarkable find.

Due to the labelling, they initially thought it was a recording of the Queen Mother's 1963 visit for the 400th anniversary of the founding of the boys' grammar school - the college's original form.

However, a closer inspection revealed it was a silent recording of the 50th anniversary celebrations for the Victorian school building.

The footage, which lasts for about eight minutes, shows the events of July 25, 1928 that were held to mark the school's jubilee.

Ms Chadd, who is responsible for collating artefacts relating to the college's history, is excited by the find. She said: "The film begins with shots of the boys, masters and other guests walking to St Cuthbert's Church for a service and then switches to the Abbey Road playing field for a cricket match between old boys and pupils.

"The film gives an interesting insight into the history, not only of the college, but also the town.

"There are images of early motor vehicles, an ice cream vendor outside the school and fascinating shots of Darlington's 1920s architecture and landmarks - many, like the Dolphin Hotel, have long since disappeared."

Ms Chadd is now trying to identify the VIPs shown at the cricket match.

"An elderly gentleman, with a large white moustache, features prominently and is likely to be a local dignitary, as he appears to toss the coin at the beginning of the match," she said.

"He has two walking sticks and I think his surname is Watson. I'd be grateful if anyone can give me any further information about his identity."

Anyone who might be able to help identify people on the film, or would like to view it, can call the college on (01325) 461315.

Alternatively, log on to the website