CHRIS Westwood admitted he was shell-shocked after being outfought, outthought and outclassed by Walsall on Saturday.

The result could have had dire ramifications for Pool's play-off bid had late goals in other key games not turned results in their favour.

As it is Neale Cooper's men are fifth with a game to go and need just a point from their trip to sixth-placed Bournemouth to ensure an extension to the season.

However, if they play anything like they did in Saturday's 3-1 defeat they can forget any thoughts of Championship football as Westwood knows.

"We have never been rolled over like that before for as long as I can remember. At the start of season Doncaster gave us a bit of a game, but (today) they have just walked over us," said the central defender. "They have just done what they want, we were powerless, there was nothing we could do.

"I don't think we underestimated them. I think they are a good team. I'm a bit shell-shocked to be honest. We have never, ever had that done to us before."

Westwood, while accepting his fair share of the blame, felt the silky skills of Julian Joachim allied to manager Paul Merson's tactics had contributed to the downfall.

"He is a quality player and you have got to get on top of players like that early doors," he said.

"I think it was a bit awkward for us because they played 4-1-4-1 and it was one of those where there was me and (Micky Nelson) to look after him but there was space down the side if our full-backs pushed on. We just got dragged all over the place."

The start of the slide came in the tenth minute when Westwood passed directly to Joachim and he ran on before forcing Matty Robson to put through his own net.

"I'm not going to blame the pitch, but (the ball) has bounced up in front of me," he said. "I was trying to knock it over Joachim's head and have miskicked it. He hits one and Konstantopolous probably would have saved it but it hits Matty Robson and goes in. That's just luck isn't it?

"There's nothing you can do about that. I just have to hold my hands up and say fair enough."

Westwood offered a frank apology to the fans who roundly criticised the performance from as early as 30 minutes in.

"They have got a right to batter us. The fans were booing. They've booed before and I thought it was a bit harsh but today they have got a right to boo because we were terrible all over the park," he said.

"The only thing I can say is that when we go down there next week we will give it our best shot and be better than you've seen today."

Walsall boss Paul Merson, the former Arsenal and Middlesbrough schemer, believed Pool got off lightly.

"It's all about being ruthless," he said. "If we were ruthless it would have been seven or eight."

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