THE fine for people who use the Metro system in Newcastle and Sunderland without paying is being doubled to £20.

Director general of Nexus Mike Parker is ensuring passengers are aware by carrying a giant £20 note at Monument station today

Nexus has argued for years that the previous £10 fine did not go far enough to deter people from riding without a ticket.

Mr Parker said: "We have argued that the £10 fare was simply not a sufficient deterrent to dissuade people from fare evasion.

"This change from the Government, which followed extensive consultation, gives us that stronger deterrent when tackling fare evaders and we applaud it."

He said the new fine would hit fraudsters where it hurts.

Councillor David Wood, chairman of the Passenger Transport Authority (PTA) said: "This is good news and we welcome it.

"The PTA and Nexus have worked hard to make the case to Government in recent years. Raising the penalty fare demonstrates that the Government have listened to local people."

Fare evasion costs the Tyne and Wear Metro hundreds of thousands of pounds each year and Nexus has comprehensive anti-fraud strategies in place to combat fare evaders. Each month, Nexus pursues prosecutions against fraudsters through the courts.