A CONSULTANT working to improve the lives of young diabetics through a fundraising campaign for insulin pumps said he had been overwhelmed by the support he has received.

So far, £68,000 has been raised for the Children's Insulin Pump Campaign for young patients at Bishop Auckland and Darlington hospitals.

Paediatric consultant Bill Lamb wants to provide insulin pumps for as many young people as possible.

The campaign has been able to help 19 young people who are now using the equipment, which administers insulin without the need for up to five daily injections.

The money has been generated by a number of events. People have also been asking for donations instead of presents at special occasions.

Dr Lamb said: "There are so many examples of generosity of spirit and thoughtfulness. Some people have been asking for donations instead of flowers in memory of relatives and others have been raising money through sponsorship for marathons, including a 300-mile sponsored cycle.''

One recent donation came from Denis and Anne Sawyers, who asked for donations instead of presents for their ruby wedding celebrations. The couple presented £450 to Dr Lamb.

The appeal has also received £500 in memory of Edith Longstaff, whose family asked for donations in lieu of flowers at her funeral.