PROCEEDS from the Darlington Beer Festival have been donated to charity.

Stop 2 Night, which supports homeless young people in Darlington, has been given a grant of £115.73 by the Campaign for Real Ale (Camra), which organised the three-day beer festival at Darlington Arts Centre in March.

Brendan Boyle, from Darlington Camra, said the organisation was pleased to give the donation after a very successful festival.

"It's a local charity, something that helps out people in Darlington who aren't as fortunate as most of us," he said. "The festival went extremely well, we had a great choice of beer, and we had just enough of it to last us right to the very end."

Bridget Chapman, from Stop 2 Night, said the charity was delighted with the donation.

"It was very unexpected, we didn't know they were going to give us any money, but it's brilliant," she said. "It's very kind of them to consider us, and this money will really help."