HAPPY memories of wedding days have helped to create a village exhibition.

Villagers in Gainford contributed dresses, photographs and stories from their big day for a display in St Mary's Church, which featured wedding items from 1875 to the present day.

Floral displays were also created for the exhibition, which was held during the Bank Holiday weekend.

About £1,000 was raised, which will go towards the upkeep of the church.

Sue Taylor, St Mary's Church warden, said villagers were keen to share their memories.

"We have heard some lovely stories from people in the village, and from visitors," she said. "There was one couple who drove away on their honeymoon in a huge yellow tractor, and another couple who were married in the 1940s whose friends attached a kipper to their car engine.

"And there was another couple from the village who are getting married next weekend, and who loved the flowers so much they want them at their own wedding."