BAD weather did nothing to dampen the spirits - or appetites - of the crowds headed for the annual Dales Festival of Food and Drink.

Although the rain hit attendances on Saturday, the figures rose rapidly yesterday and with one more day to go, it is on target to equal last year's total of 20,000.

The event, bigger than ever, attracted 5,200 on Saturday, down about 12 per cent on the first day last year.

But by mid-afternoon yesterday, more than 8,000 more had been through the turnstile.

"People are still streaming through in large numbers," said Gerald Hodgson, one of the relieved organisers, yesterday.

"The sun is coming through - however weakly - and the traders are very busy. All the events are very well-attended and the bandstand is filled to the gunnels."

New this year is a beer festival featuring more than 20 real ales from seven local breweries. In the food hall, about 75 exhibitors are showing off their produce.

In the theatre marquee, chefs are giving demonstrations and farming exhibitions are also taking place.

At 2.30pm today, author Gervase Phinn will be entertaining with his tales of life at schools in the Dales.