METHODS of reducing the fear of crime and raising public confidence in the police are being investigated.

North Yorkshire Police is carrying out a review, following recommendations in the recent Government White Paper, Building Communities, Beating Crime.

Police forces are encouraged to improve customer service and involve the community more in fighting crime.

The review is also looking at the roles of community beat officers, police community support officers and special constables and ways that all sections of the community can access the police services.

Also being investigated are ways the police can be more visible to the public.

Review manager Linda Lofthouse said: "In the 21st Century, all public services must focus much more on what the public expect. This includes policing services, and we must find ways of engaging even more with the diverse communities in North Yorkshire.

"Delivering excellent citizen-focused policing will contribute towards North Yorkshire Police's objective of becoming the leading service."

Police authority member Bill Baugh, who is leading the review team, said: "It is crucial that we consult widely with both police officers, police staff and members of the public to identify improvements for the service.

"The public have recently been consulted through a number of surveys, but we would welcome any further input form them."

Anyone wanting to give their views can contact Linda Lofthouse on 0845 6060247 extension 6135 or at North Yorkshire Police headquarters, Newby Wiske, Northallerton, DL7 9HA.