A PROGRAMME of street improvements designed to help shoppers is nearing completion.

The scheme has seen the carriageway in Rosemary Lane, in Richmond, narrowed and the pavement widened. Repairs have also been carried out to Finkle Street.

The aim of the project was to improve facilities for pedestrians and make the area more attractive.

It is a key element of North Yorkshire County Council's traffic management strategy for Richmond and means that both Rosemary Lane and Finkle Street are now one-way leading into Newbiggin.

The scheme will form part of an improved pedestrian route between Nunns Close car park and the Market Place.

A zebra crossing in Victoria Road and other traffic-calming features are also to be introduced.

Mike Moore, corporate director of environmental services, said: "We believe that our scheme has created a more attractive shopping area in this part of Richmond.

"Richmond is already popular, with people visiting from all over the world, and the work we have done will add to its charm and many delights.

"Around the world, there are about 70 towns that bear the name of Richmond, and this is the original.

"It's a town of great history, character and beauty and our role has been to enhance the quality of the surroundings for townsfolk and tourists alike."