VILLAGERS and councillors will tonight discuss a controversial housing plan for a second time, after developers resubmitted an application.

Plans to build 15 town houses and four apartments in Croft House, Hurworth Place, were opposed by neighbours, who said the prospect of flooding from the nearby river - coupled with potential traffic problems - would make the development too risky.

Hurworth Parish Council opposed the development at a meeting in May last year, but will again be given the chance to voice their concerns at a meeting tonight. A report has been prepared by local authorities to assess the flood risk to the site.

Although the final decision on planning lies with Darlington Borough Council, parish councillors hope their local knowledge will give weight to their objections.

Parish council chairman Clive Bullock said the meeting would be another chance to discuss the unsuitability of the development.

He said: "Some residents are unhappy with the flood survey as it covers the site they want to develop, but not existing houses.

"The traffic is also a problem; the site is on a very bad corner.

"For these reasons it is so important that we should have a meeting, and really have a good look at the plans, and so all residents who want to contribute can do so."

Councillor Peter Foster said: "Last time, we objected on the grounds that this area is known to flood, I can recall at least twice when that has happened.

"It is not a case of it might happen - it will happen. Nearby sheltered accommodation has had to be evacuated in the past, and gardens are filled with water.

"These houses are going to be raised above the ground, which as far as I'm concerned shows it is defintely a flooded area.

"We are expecting it to be a well-attended meeting, and we hope that our local knowledge will be made use of, as local people know the area better than anyone else."

The meeting is at Hurworth Grange at 7.30pm.