PEOPLE who have successfully quit smoking and public places that have gone smoke-free in Derwentside will be presented with awards.

The first Smoke Free Derwentside Awards ceremony is being held at Consett Civic Centre on May 11.

Offices, venues, businesses and schools that have gone smoke- free will each be presented with a National Clean Air Award, which was founded by the Roy Castle Foundation. They will receive a certificate, gold plaque and be included in the list of venues on a new Smoke Free Derwentside website.

Dr Maggie Ireland, chairman of Smoke Free Derwentside, said: "The Clean Air Awards aim to reduce public and workplace exposure to second-hand smoke.

"We hope that the award ceremony will encourage other organisations to implement no- smoking policies and to provide an environment where smokers who wish to stop smoking can be supported and encouraged."

Personal Achievement Awards, which have been developed by Smoke Free Derwentside, will also be presented to ten individuals who have successfully quit smoking for at least three months.

They will each receive a certificate, a gift voucher from John Lewis' department store and a Smoke Free Derwentside money box which can hold 500 £1 coins to help them see how much money they are saving by quitting smoking.

A 20-a-day smoker can save about £1,500 a year by kicking the habit.

Dr Ireland said: "The Smoke Free Derwentside awards ceremony gives us the opportunity to congratulate local businesses for supporting the Smoke Free project and to recognise the determination of local people who have kicked the habit during the past year."

If anyone in Derwentside would like advice on stopping smoking they can contact the Derwentside Primary Care Trust Stop Smoking Service on (01207) 214630.

Businesses or public places that are interested in working towards a National Clean Air Award can contact Mark den Hollander, smoke-free places project worker, on 0191-374 4109.