ANXIOUS residents, who say they have been left in limbo over plans to rebuild part of their town, have called a public meeting today.

Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council says the majority of South Bank residents are in favour of plans that could see up to 1,000 terraced homes bulldozed.

But residents Eunice Smith and Sheila Mack have called a public meeting in the community's church hall to discuss concerns.

"We were promised an open meeting to let everyone know what was happening, but a year on we are still waiting,'' Mrs Smith said. "We were sitting back to see if somebody would get up and do something. That did not happen, so we have decided to do it ourselves.

"We know a lot of houses need pulling down, but we want the re-builds - the replacement houses - built here. We have been given no answers, but are being kept in limbo.''

Plans for the community, which is near Middlesbrough, include giving the town a greener look with open spaces and woods.

Councillor Chris Abbott, Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council's cabinet member for neighbourhood renewal said: "It is an extremely exciting prospect.''

Council consultation on the scheme has included an exhibition detailing the recommendations of consultancy company Nathaniel Lichfield and Partners which followed consultations in April last year, when residents were asked to comment on two preliminary options.

Cleveland Police and street wardens have stepped up patrols to ensure that 150 homes earmarked for the first phase of demo- lition are not targeted by arsonists.