FRIENDS and family would not let modest Alberta Jackson shy away from attention yesterday when she celebrated her 100th birthday.

South Church Nursing Home, in Bishop Auckland, where Mrs Jackson has lived for about 18 months, was packed for a party.

"I've done nothing special, its nice but I don't know why there is all this fuss. I've no secret, just kept active and independent. I like to be doing things," she said.

Mrs Jackson, one of five sisters and a brother, was raised in West Auckland and moved to Cockfield with her husband Willy, who died 23 years ago after 50 years of marriage.

The couple never had children but cared for nephew David Vollans because his mother, Mrs Jackson's younger sister Marion, had polio and struggled to look after him.

Mr Vollans said: "She's been like a mother to me. She is an incredible lady but very modest.

"She and Willy were very well known through the Co-ops at Shildon, Evenwood and Bishop Auckland where he was general manager.

"Everyone in Cockfield knows her as Auntie because she's been there for so many people."

Mrs Jackson has been an active member of Woodhouse Close and West Auckland Women's Institutes and has exhibited embroidery at WI events and the Bowes Museum.