A COUNCIL has become the first organisation in Derwentside to be presented with a County Durham Working for Health Award.

Derwentside District Council won a bronze award from Derwentside Primary Care Trust (PCT) after demonstrat-ing it had been working to adopt a healthy workplace

The award is a county-wide scheme supported by the five PCTs in the area and is designed to encourage and reward employers in their efforts to improve the health of their workforce and to build a healthy workplace.

Alex Watson, leader of the council, said: "I think all residents of Derwentside will recognise the significant environmental and economic achievements that have been made over the past 20 years, however, the health of the district's residents remains a stubborn problem.

"Recognising this, the council has made tackling this issue a priority, through initiatives such as Working for Health."

Action taken by the council included a men's health event, workplace lunchtime walks, advice on breast cancer, a stress awareness day and advice on skin cancer.

Elaine Jackson, health promotion specialist for Derwentside PCT, said: "It is estimated that sickness absence costs employees at least £11bn a year. Taking action to prevent ill health and promote well-being makes good business sense for all employees."