A SCHOOL which was severely criticised by Government inspectors just six months ago is celebrating a remarkable turnaround in its fortunes.

Bishopton Redmarshall Primary School was identified as having "serious weaknesses" in the wake of an Ofsted inspection last October.

Standards at the school, which lies between Darlington and Stockton, were said to be unsatisfactory in several areas, with the report criticising problems in leadership and management.

It said teaching and learning were unsatisfactory and, while governors were hard-working, they did not hold the school to account.

Officials from Darlington Borough Council's education department were drafted in to try to improve the situation.

And on Friday, they confirmed that a second Ofsted inspection had revealed dramatic improvements.

The latest report says:

* Good progress made in implementing the governors' action plan and, because of this, progress made since October has been very good;

* Standards in lessons and pupils' books have improved;

* There has been "excellent leadership" from acting headteacher Nell Morgan and an effective partnership established with the local education authority;

* The governing body is developing well.

As a result of the school's progress, inspectors will not return for interim monitoring checks as originally planned. The school can expect its next visit in 12 to 18 months.

Mrs Morgan said: "Naturally, we are delighted with the inspectors' report. There has been immense commitment and hard work from staff and governors alike.

"We have been greatly assisted by the advice and generous support from the local education authority, the dioceses and leading schools in Darlington.

"The most important outcome is the fact that we are delivering to the children of our school the standard of education they truly deserve."