A 45-year-old man was recovering today after being tied up by armed robbers.

The man was alone at his home in Carlton Miniott, near Thirsk when three men wearing camouflage clothing and balaclavas burst in at 10.30pm on Monday.

One of the men was carrying a baseball bat and a small revolver. The second man had a purple or deep red coloured baseball bat and the third was carrying a pick axe handle.

They threatened the victim and demanded money. When he refused he was hit with one of the baseball bats, but was not seriously injured. He then handed over a considerable amount of cash before the intruders tied him up and escaped.

Police said yesterday that the three men were under six feet tall and spoke with West Yorkshire accents.

Anyone with information about the men, or who saw anything suspicious in the area is asked to call Northallerton CID on (01609) 789452.