A 12-YEAR-OLD boy from the North-East has become the second youngest person in Britain to be subject to a Criminal Anti-Social Behaviour Order (Crasbo).

Dale Anderson, who gave his address as Stainton Grove, Barnard Castle, County Dur-ham, has to abide by tough conditions or face further court action and a possible custodial sentence.

Police said he was the second youngest in the country to receive a Crasbo and the youngest person in the county.

After hearing about a litany of complaints stretching back to when he was ten years old, South Durham Magistrates, sitting in Bishop Auckland, ordered that:

* He must not trespass on private property;

* He is banned from Teesdale Comprehensive School and the area around it;

* He must not possess any imitation firearms, knives or other weapons.

The order also bars him from assaulting, harassing, intimidating or abusing any person, and from inciting others to commit any act prohibited by the order.

Inspector Kevin Tuck, of Teesdale police, said: "This is a clear message that bad behaviour cannot be tolerated. Police will monitor the boy and take immediate action if he breaches any of the conditions."

Philip Shaw, anti-social behaviour co-ordinator for the Wear and Tees community safety partnership, said: "The police and local authority have worked closely with local residents and are pleased that this will bring an end to the significant anti-social behaviour perpetrated by this youth in Barnard Castle."

A Durham Police spokes-man said it was legally possible for the boy's name to be published as no submission was made to the court hearing on Thursday to have his name withheld.

Although the boy's address was given as Stainton Grove, residents said yesterday that he had not lived there for some time, and was thought to be living with a relative in another part of Teesdale