A MAN avoided jail yesterday after he pleaded guilty to exposing himself to two teenage girls.

Magistrates sitting at Bishop Auckland told John Oliver, from Railway Terrace, Crook, that his crime had been "vulgar and disgusting" and that they had seriously considered sending him to prison.

The court heard how Oliver first shouted at the two 16-year-old girls from his car in Bishop Auckland Market Place, in January this year, asking if they would like to commit an indecent act. He also offered to expose himself to the pair.

The girls then went on to speak to a friend whose car was parked in the market place and Oliver, who parked nearby, was seen to be playing with himself.

The girls later joined two other teenage girls before walking up Cockton Hill Road, in Bishop Auckland, where the 36-year-old followed them and approached them again.

Sheila Moore, prosecuting, said that one of the girls was so frightened by what was happening, she phoned her mother, who came to collect her.

She said when questioned by police, Oliver claimed he had only played a joke on the two girls, and had not exposed himself.

Clive Booth, in mitigation, said his client was full of remorse and could not understand why he had acted in the way he had.

He said: "He has suffered utter remorse about behaving the way he has done. He feels a sense of disgrace.

"He apologises to the two girls and to the court for his behaviour and as a result of all of this he has suffered a great deal of anxiety."

Pauline Parkins, chairman of the magistrates' bench, said: "We find this disgusting and vulgar behaviour serious enough to have considered custody.

"These were young victims who were targeted and there was an intent to alarm and distress.''

She said the bench had taken into consideration Oliver's very early guilty plea and co-operation with police.

He was sentenced to a two-year community rehabilitation order and ordered to pay £112 costs.

He will have to sign the sex offenders' register for the next five years.