A HOTLY-CONTESTED question that has occupied historians for years is an example of the secrets that the Search Engine project could unlock.

Victorian pioneer George Hudson was known as the Railway King because of his spectacular rise to fame and riches, putting York at the hub of the industry.

But the Sunderland MP's fall from grace and subsequent bankruptcy scandal was just as spectacular. He is remembered by some as a hero and by others as a villain.

However, a document that has been in storage at the museum since 1978, has revealed new evidence -a testimonial signed by the mayor of Sunderland, eight local JPs and nearly 1,000 constituents that was given to Hudson on the eve of the investigations into his affairs 156 years ago.

It speaks of the "unjust attacks and unmeasured abuse" heaped on Hudson and suggests he was misrepresented by those who said he was of dubious character.