DURHAM'S Mayor John Lightley took the chain office for the first time yesterday.

Councillor Lightley, 75, Liberal Democrat member for Shincliffe, took over as the city's first citizen from Mary Hawgood, councillor for Crossgate and Framwellgate, at a ceremony in Durham Town Hall.

A city councillor for ten years and county councillor for eight years, he stepped into the role of Deputy Mayor in January, following the death from cancer of his friend and fellow councillor George Hunter.

Coun Lightley, whose wife Margaret will be Mayoress, served in the Territorial Army achieving the rank of lieutenant colonel, and worked at Houghall College before becoming northern regional manager for the Agricultural Training Board.

During his year in office, his appeal will raise money for the Gala Theatre Stage School and the Treetops Ward for children at the city's University Hospital.

Coun Hawgood's appeal, in aid of St Cuthbert's Hospice, raised £30,000.

Coun Lightley said: "I'm looking forward to my year as Mayor. I think the Mayor has an important role in working with the council.''

The Deputy Mayor will be the long-serving Independent Councillor Jeff Lodge, who represents Framwellgate Moor.

The ceremony also saw six former councillors honoured for their long service by being made aldermen - Joe Anderson, who was twice Mayor, Colin Beswick, now the city's Town Crier, who recently received the MBE, Irene Lupton, Michael Howarth, Ed Ramsay and James Turnbull.