LIFE-SAVING equipment will be purchased with money raised by youngsters touched by the sudden death of a classmate.

When nine-year-old Ben Tudor-Coulson died after breathing difficulties last year, youngsters at Whinney Banks Primary School, Middlesbrough, were inspired to raise money for the ambulance service.

A sponsored non-uniform day was used as the school's way of remembering their friend and during the day £1,150 was collected.

A cheque from the fundraising was handed over yesterday to Tees East and North Yorkshire Ambulance Service (Tenyas).

The headteacher, John Wiffen, said: "Following Ben's death, we decided that our annual fundraising event would be dedicated to helping, not just the school, but also the local ambulance paramedic team, which played an important part in Ben's life and continue to play an important role in the lives of others at the school."

Ben's mum, Janine, fully supported the school's efforts. She said: "The school took Ben into their hearts and raised a tremendous amount of money.

"We are all delighted it is going to such a worthwhile cause, like the local ambulance service."

Tenyas assistant general manager Allan Grieff said: "We were genuinely touched when we heard about this wonderful gesture from the school.