THERE are all sorts of ways you can help the St Cuthbert's Key Appeal and ensure that patients get the care they deserve in their final days.

The hospice needs to raise another £1.3m to meet its plans to build an in-patient unit for the people of Durham - and together we can do it.

You can:

* Make a donation directly to the hospice;

* Hold a fundraising event and get your family and friends involved;

* Make a regular weekly or monthly donation with a standing order;

* Make a gift aid donation with payroll-giving - and see some of your tax go to the hospice as well;

* Leave a legacy to the hospice;

* Offer your time as a volunteer.

You can make donations by setting up a regular standing order to Barclays Bank, account number 90773611, Sort Code 20-27-41.

For 18 years, the staff and volunteers at St Cuthbert's have helped the people of Durham - now it is time for us to help them.