RUSSIAN pianist Dmitry Rachmanov is giving a masterclass for promising local piano students, prior to giving a concert on Teesside.

A former student of the world-famous Julliard School in New York, Dr Rachmanov has offered to give one-to-one tuition to a small group of young piano students as they work towards their music exams.

"Masterclasses by such world-renowned musicians are a rarity in the North-East, and we are very fortunate that Dr Rachmanov is willing to fit this in to his hectic schedule," said Peter Sotheran, organiser of the Kirkleatham concerts.

The select group of five have been nominated by their music teachers and range from a nine-year-old to A-level students.

The masterclass will take place in the chapel at Sir William Turner's Almshouses, at Kirkleatham, Redcar, on Saturday, May 28.

All the places have been allocated. But tickets are available for people who want to observe the class. They are £3 for students and £5 for adults. Doors will be closed at 3pm, to prevent late arrivals disturbing the group.

Dr Rachmanov will present a recital of music by Russian composers in the chapel, at 7.30 pm, the same day.

Concert tickets cost £10, from (01287) 610179, with a credit card or by calling in at the Guisborough Bookshop.