Early detection saves lives so be breast aware and follow the code:

* know what is normal for you

* look at and feel your breasts

* know what changes to look for

* report any changes without delay

* go for breast screening if you are 50 or over

Your breasts may feel different depending on the time of the month and stage of life.

When you know how they normally look and feel, you will be able to spot any unusual changes. Check yourself in a way that's comfortable for you, perhaps in the bath or shower.

Look for:

* changes in the size, shape or feel of your breasts

* a new lump or thickening in one breast or armpit

l any puckering, dimpling or redness of the skin

* changes in the position of the nipple, a rash or nipple discharge

* pain or discomfort that is new to you and felt only on one side

For more about cancer visit the Cancer Research UK patient information website at
