Annfield Plain WI: MRS Collin presided over the AGM, extending a warm welcome to WI adviser Freda Weatherspoon and tellers Mrs Moorcroft and Mrs Riley.

The Golden Thread entitled Hands, was given by Mavis Crawford and the item of interest, a fascinating account of a soldier's life in the Second World War, by Pauline Gill.

Secretary Miss Ellwood read the minutes of the last meeting, dealt with correspondence and gave a comprehensive account of the past year's activities. Treasurer Ruth Bates gave the annual financial statement. Genia Collin gave the president's address and thanked the secretary, treasurer and committee for their support and hard work. Mary McKee and Noreen Breen were thanked for making the tea at each meeting.

Mary Kirk, who had decided to stand down from the committee, was thanked and presented with flowers in appreciation for her years of service.

Freda Weatherspoon spoke about the work of the Federation. She was pleased that three new members had joined Annfield Plain WI this year and encouraged everyone to tell others about the good times enjoyed at WI meetings. Mary McKee gave the vote of thanks.

The ballot was taken and Genia Collin re-elected as president. The committee was re-elected with three new members. Jennie Welch gave the vote of thanks to the tellers.

The competition, something from schooldays, was won by Pat Storey, who also won the mystery raffle.

The speaker for our June meeting will be from Peter's Bakers. Visitors are welcome.

Satley WI

THE May meeting in the newly-refurbished parish hall was attended by 18 members. Mrs Plews presided.

Mrs White, secretary, read the minutes and correspondence was dealt with, including the newsletter. Members who took part in the quiz had enjoyed the night. Mrs Gould had received a thank you for our contribution to ACWW.

Mrs Scott gave her report from the county annual meeting. She told us that Mrs Proud is the new county chairman and about the resolutions for the AGM. Members were reminded about the car boot sale in July. Mrs Portwood collected the money for the annual outing to the Borders on May 26.

Mrs Plews introduced Lawrence and Joan Staley from Teesdale Glass Engravers. Mrs Staley said they started up 20 years ago after her husband read a book about engraving. Lawrence does the engraving, while Joan does the ordering and marketing. Lawrence engraves whatever the customer requests - animals, flowers, churches, names. Lawrence, whose main job was a stone waller, worked on a vase while Joan talked.

The competition for a piece of engraved glass was won by Jean Portwood with Sally White second and Grace Hall third. The next meeting is on June 13 with Kathryn Hodgson from Elegant Hat Hire. The competition is a home-made hat.

Castleside WI

THE May meeting was opened by the president Mrs Nelson. All members and three visitors were welcomed. Names were taken for the holy day outing in June to Floors Castle.

The cake/pie slice competition was won by Mrs Nelson and the mystery prize, which was donated by Mrs Hull, was won by one of our visitors. A raffle was held in aid of the 80th anniversary funds and Mrs Hull, Mrs Beck, Mrs Taward, Mrs Walford and Mrs Walton all had winning tickets.

Members had an enjoyable evening with Norman Dunn who reminded us in words and song of the days of music hall.

The next meeting will be on June 8, when Sheila Tock's topic will be embroidery.

South Moor WI

VICE-president Anne Weir welcomed members to the May meeting. Vera Soulsby read her favourite poem. Doreen Pearson read the minutes of the last meeting, and county letter and correspondence. June George gave the financial statement. Two raffles, which were donated, were won by Doreen Pearson and Kitty Chambers. A welcome cup of tea was served.

The speaker, Mr S Vary, gave a talk about his work with the St Vincent de Paul Society. He judged the competition, a piece of old china. Doreen Pearson was first, Ann Weir second and Vera Soulsby third. The evening ended with a quiz arranged by Doreen Pearson. Winners were June George and Marion Green.