PLANS to build a pub next to a Darlington school have worried councillors.

They plan to attend Darlington magistrates on June 7 when the application for a provisional premises licence is made.

The plans were outlined to Archdeacon Newton Parish Council on Tuesday night.

Pathfinder Pubs, owned by Wolverhampton and Dudley Breweries, wants to build the pub on a triangular piece of land between the new Alderman Leach Primary School on the West Park estate at Faverdale and Mill Garages in West Auckland Road.

The 5,500 sq ft building would have up to 3,000 sq ft of drinking space. Access would be from John Fowler Way but councillors were concerned that only four disabled and 12 other car parking spaces were shown.

Coun Norman Welch, parish chairman, was concerned about the lack of parking, the proximity to the school, access routes and the loss of open space. Other members agreed.

Coun Michael Beadle said: "I've never seen a pub and a school side by side before."

Coun Peter Way said: "Sixteen car parking spaces is totally inadequate. It is pie in the sky to assume most of their trade will come from the estate by foot."

Coun Derek Beadle said: "Any establishment like that near a school begs a lot of questions - parking, amenities, everything."

The 2003 Licensing Act transfers responsibility for issuing licences to local authorities in November.

But, if magistrates approve the application for a provisional premises licence, Darlington Borough Council will not be able to refuse a full licence once the pub is built.

However, the developer must gain planning permission before work can begin.

Coun Welch said: "It might be helpful to discover if this is the only suitable site available in the whole estate for the development of a pub."

Members agreed that the parish council should be represented at the 10am hearing in June.