A GROUP of organisations providing social care in County Durham and Teesside is looking for volunteers.

The Tees Valley Social Care and Health Alliance is one of four groups in the region, which consists of organisations that provide social care and health services in the Tees Valley.

The alliance includes charities such as Cruse and Mind and care homes, including Eden Cottage in Darlington.

Members of the alliance have easy access to national funding for staff training, as well as being able to share information and ideas with other care providers in the group.

The alliance, which is funded by various organisations, including Darlington Borough Council, also gives its opinion on local and regional decisions about the future of care provision in the area.

Maureen Horton, chairwoman of the alliance's independent sector provider group for Darlington, said: "The more members the alliance has, the more it can do to help businesses and groups in the area that are concerned with the caring profession.

"We are already seeing dividends with staff moving between different care providers in the area, using the training they have gained through the alliance."

Any provider of social care and health services to people in the Tees Valley can join and membership is free.

For more information about volunteering for the alliance, telephone (01642) 384997.