COMMUNITY leaders were last night poised to agree a move to tackle tearaways in their village, after more troubles were reported.

Parish councillors in Middleton St George, near Darlington, are expected to lock the gates to the Water Park during evenings in an effort to combat anti-social behaviour and vandalism.

They said such a measure was regrettable, but could be an effective way to stamp out the behaviour.

The issue of nuisance youths has dominated the village for the past year, with the Water Park being a focal point for much of the bad behaviour.

Cans and bottles of alcohol, as well as drug-taking equipment, have regularly been found there, while cars are also driven round at high-speed late at night.

A lamppost in the park had been torn down and parish council chairman Doris Jones said yesterday that further attempts appeared to have been made to rip down the new one.

She added that locking the park on an evening could be the only solution.

"That could seriously be the only way. We do have the facilities to lock the gates.

"We're getting complaints that the cars are going in at night and are obviously up to no good," she said.

"Anybody can come in and enjoy the facilities of the Water Park.

"It's a children's play area and a nice area for leisure, but it's the not-so-nice characters we don't want in there.

"They have had another go at the lamppost and they have been pulling the steps down towards the tennis courts. It's so sad because we could work with the young people."

The parish council has money from development schemes which could be invested in youth facilities.

They are hoping to have talks with youth representatives at Darlington Borough Council which could lead to some progress being made.

There has been a good initial response to getting youngsters interested in fishing in the village.