An attacker who bit off a man's earlobe during a confrontation in a city bar has been jailed for three-and-a-half years.

Gavin Kerr, 27, plunged his teeth into Robert Welsh's ear as they fought on the floor in Yates wine lodge in Sunderland.

Newcastle Crown Court heard how the lobe was never found and therefore never re-attached, leaving Mr Welsh permanently scarred.

Prosecutor Gavin Doig told the court how there was a history of run-ins between the two men but January 29 was the first time it had erupted in violence.

Trouble flared as Mr Welsh made his way out of the bar and had to walk past where Kerr was sitting.

Mr Doig said: "The defendant stood up and headbutted him and both fell to the ground. He bit into his right ear causing blood to flow down his neck."

Kerr was arrested and told police he had felt "threatened and intimidated"

by Mr Welsh so had lashed out in the belief he was about to be attacked.

Kerr, of Oswald Terrace, Sunderland, admitted wounding with intent on the basis Mr Welsh had threatened him first.

Defence barrister Robert Woodcock said: "Violence is not a way of life for this defendant. This was a moment of madness."

Judge John Milford told Kerr: "The injured party uttered threatening words to you and your response was to headbut him and then when you were on the ground together to bite off the lobe of his right ear.

"I am satisfied no sentence other than a custodial sentence can be justified."