ASHLEIGH Hall's mother said more should have been done to monitor her daughter's murderer after he was released from prison.

Speaking outside Teesside Crown Court, Andrea Hall said: "Them sort of people should be tagged and they should be kept an eye on all the time," she told reporters. "They shouldn't be allowed out into society anyway."

Chief Superindendent Andy Reddick, Ashleigh Hall's mother, Andrea Hall and grandfather, Mike Hall, talk to the press following sentencing.

After Chapman was released from prison he was able to move around the country, appearing free from monitoring.

Mrs Hall was asked who she blamed for the fact he was free to kill her daughter.

"I blame them for letting them out," she said. "He shouldn't have been let out. He should not have been let out whatsoever and for the people that are supposed to keep an eye on them, they should keep an eye on these sort of people."

Peter Chapman confesses to killing Darlington teenager Ashleigh Hall

Mrs Hall also said it was wrong that Chapman, as a registered sex offender, was able to post online as a teenage boy.

"He took somebody else's photo and put it on the internet and has been posing behind this photo. It is awful to think that there's actually a boy out there and he is using his photo to prey on young girls."

Mrs Hall said she was powerless stop her daughter going out on the night she met Chapman.

"What could I have done?," she asked. "She was 17. You don't stop your kids from going out.

"You tell them to be careful but like I said, she said she was meeting a 15, 16, 17-year-old or whatever age he said he was.

"So of course she was going to meet him. He was a nice looking boy. I couldn't have stopped it and I wouldn't have stopped it.

"The message is for people just to be careful. Please just be careful. Make sure you please do tell somebody if you are going to meet a person. That is the message, don't go on your own."