A MAN went armed with a knife to the home of an alcoholic in a bid to acquire money from his "vulnerable" victim, a court heard.

Christopher Hutton left with a total of £120 after making persistent demands of the 52-year-old victim, cutting his phone line as a parting shot to prevent him ringing the police.

Durham Crown Court heard that just days earlier the man gave Hutton £65 when he turned up unexpectedly at his home in Bishop Auckland, demanding money.

Hutton, 22, of Crawford Close, Bishop Auckland, who admitted a charge of robbery at a previous hearing, was jailed for four-years-and-six months.

Lynsey Armstrong, prosecuting, said the only connection Hutton appeared to have with the victim was that he is the nephew of a friend of the man, and had cut his lawn several months earlier.

She said Hutton turned up, "out of the blue" asking for £20 on November 17, but after making further demands left with £65.

He returned in the early hours of November 20 asking to use the man's phone, but during calls he became agitated and asked him for £20.

Ms Armstrong said the victim saw Hutton was in possession of a knife and so handed over the money, but he asked for more or he would not given him the phone back.

He finally left with £120 and cut the phone lines to prevent an immediate emergency call being made.

The court heard that in his impact statement the victim stated that he was left feeling paranoid and frightened to leave his home.

He has been drinking even more since the incident and does not feel safe in his own home, having bought a panic alarm.

Scott Smith, for Hutton, presented a letter to the court, outlining his remorse and his "plans for the future".

Mr Smith told the court that other people often went to drink at the victim's house.

Jailing him, Judge Christopher Prince told Hutton: "You went there with the intention of robbing him of money and while you may not have waved that knife at him, you brandished it, which was clearly meant to the threatening."

He said that 102 days which Hutton has served in custody would come off the length of the sentence.