It has come to my awareness, as insignificant as it sounds, that women no longer seem happy to be fresh faced, as they hide behind layers fake tan and masks of makeup. The moment which triggered this sudden awareness was whilst watching the ITV show Take Me Out in which a string of desperate women stand week after week to find their “perfect man”.

After watching this programme, I began to notice the multitude of “masked” women and tango’d teens in old blighty. I personally believe the fresh faced look can be very attractive. I know many men who share my opinion, and believe less is more when it comes to makeup.

Fresh faced icons such as Kirsten Dunst and Kristen Stewart can be an inspiration to us all. So save your foundation and invest in a tinted moisturiser, stay away from the sun beds and embrace your true tone and next time you are about to cake on the slap, think fresh faced not fake faced!

Alex Hughes