A 74-YEAR-old Middlesbrough man has been charged with possessing crack cocaine with intent to supply the Class A drug.

Pensioner Charles Eustace Roachford was arrested along with another man after police seized a haul of of the drug on Teesside.

The cocaine, said to be worth about £25,000, was recovered from a car in the Wellington Square area of the town on Tuesday.

Mr Roachford, of Barker Road, Linthorpe, appeared before Teesside Magistrates' Court the following day.

Alongside him in the dock was Alan George Walsh, 32, of Crompton Road, Handsworth, Birmingham.

The two men are jointly charged with possessing crack cocaine, a Class A drug, with intent to supply.

Bail applications were made on behalf of both men but were refused by District Judge Kristina Harrison.

Roachford and Walsh were both remanded in custody.

They are due to appear again before the magistrates' court of Thursday, March 11.